Dale Jefferson

Dale L. Jefferson

TypeScript, JavaScript, React, React Native

JavaScript Async/Await Promise All Array Destructuring

By Dale L. Jefferson. Published

I think you will agree with me when I say working with asynchronous code is an important part of modern app development. Using new JavaScript syntax you can drastically improve the readability and performance of your code. In this article, I will show you how to use Promise.all() along with array destructuring.

Async/Await with React Lifecycle methods

By Dale L. Jefferson. Published

If you are like me you will also end up doing a lot of asynchronous work in componentWillMount/componentDidMount. This article will show you how to use Async/Await with React’s Lifecycle events. React’s lifecycle methods can return any value, including a promise.

Error first pattern for JavaScript Async/Await

By Dale L. Jefferson. Published

Dealing with errors is not fun. In this article, I will show you a pattern for dealing with errors in Async/Await. This pattern avoids the use of try/catch.

ES7 Async/Await with React Native

By Dale L. Jefferson. Published

Async/Await is a new syntax for writing asynchronous code in JavaScript. Support was added in React Native 0.10 and it’s now reached TC39 stage 3 (candidate).